Diagnostic imaging, also called medical imaging, is a tool that enables doctors to look inside the body to assess and detect specific medical conditions and injuries. It makes use of various machines to produce images of internal structures of the body to provide doctors enough information for them to make accurate diagnoses. The type of diagnostic imaging your doctor will recommend depends on your symptoms and the body part to be examined.
3D mammogram is a screening tool used for early detection of breast conditions. It is one of the latest technological innovations and uses a low dose of radiation to produce high-quality images of the breast. There is no need for extended traditional film processing, thus patients can get their results within a short period of time.
3D mammography is designed to reduce the overlapping of structures. 3D mammography can detect breast cancer at least one to three years before it develops into a lump or symptoms appear.
This imaging technique is like an X-ray procedure used to measure bone loss due to osteoporosis. This test can also determine your future fracture risk, since the results show bone mineral density (BMD) in the measured area. Unlike standard X-rays, a bone densitometry can detect decreased bone density early on before an injury occurs. Bone densitometry is noninvasive and painless.
With the CT scan, your doctor can see images of the body’s organs, blood vessels, and tissues with great clarity. It uses visual information from different angles to create cross-sectional images. CT scan use is widely adopted and is useful for diagnosing several types of conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, neurological diseases, lung disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, and many more.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) utilizes a magnetic field and radio waves instead of ionizing radiation to get detailed images of inside the body. It is noninvasive and painless. MRI is often performed in a machine that resembles a large tube. However, recent technological advancements have resulted in an open MRI for patients who are uncomfortable in closed spaces.
Positron emission tomography (PET) scan is often used alongside a CT scan to create an accurate diagnostic study of the biochemistry and physiology of the human body. It is a type of nuclear medicine imaging test that uses minimal amounts of radioactive substance or tracers to detect early changes in the cells.
Ultrasound, also called sonography, uses sound waves to create images of internal organs. It is commonly used to observe and monitor fetal growth inside the mother’s body. A type of ultrasound called the doppler ultrasound is a specialized technique used to assess heart and blood vessel health. It allows the capture of images in real-time, showing the volume and speed of blood flow for the doctor to review.
At Wooster Community Hospital, we offer state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging services. Our Imaging Services Department has state-licensed and registered technologists who provide diagnostic testing in all areas of radiology. We provide both outpatient and inpatient diagnostic imaging services, as well as emergency care. We offer our services at multiple locations for your convenience.
If you have questions or would like to arrange an appointment, please call us at (330) 263-8660. You may also request an appointment online. We look forward to assisting you!