Sleep Medicine
Sleep Medicine Clinic in Wooster, OH
Comprehensive Care for Chronic Sleep Disorders
At Wooster Community Hospital, we test for and treat common sleep problems in our accredited Sleep Disorders Center.
Sleep is a natural, restorative, and vital part of our daily routine. It promotes good health, allows the brain to rest, and enables us to be productive in work and play. However, more than 25 percent of Americans suffer from excessive daytime sleepiness due to chronic sleep disorders. Sleep disorders can negatively affect the immune system, personality, and work performance. They can also lead to serious or fatal health problems such as heart disease and high blood pressure.
Anyone who suffers from excessive daytime sleepiness has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, or disturbs the sleep of others by snoring loudly is a candidate for a sleep evaluation.
Common problems include sleep apnea, insomnia, restless legs syndrome, muscle spasms during sleep, and narcolepsy. Accreditation by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) assures quality care for patients with sleep disorders. A physician’s referral is necessary for evaluation.
All of our staff are registered sleep technologists; combined, they bring years of trusted sleep medicine experience to diagnose and treat a wide range of sleep-related problems. We offer PAP Education visits to assist with mask fitting, sleep hygiene, and compliance with prescribed sleep therapies.
In addition, we are affiliated with DASCO Home Medical Equipment to help you get the respiratory and other durable medical equipment you need – when you need it. This includes portable oxygen, CPAP and BIPAP machines, and noninvasive ventilation.
You may wish to print and complete this 2-week sleep diary by the AASM prior to your consultation with one of our sleep doctors or technologists.
Virtual Services: Sleep Medicine at WCH Sleep Disorders Center, in partnership with Ohio State University, is now offering TeleHealth Sleep Medicine consultations that will allow Wayne County patients to be evaluated by a board-certified sleep specialist using a smartphone in the comfort of their own home. Any testing that is ordered during the TeleHealth sleep evaluation visit can be completed at WCH so that the patient does not need to travel outside of our community.
Patients can be referred for a sleep consultation by entering an ambulatory/electronic order for SLCONSULT (for integrated providers) or by faxing a written order directly to WCH Sleep Disorder Center at 330.263.8396.
Self-Pay Package Pricing
If you are self-pay or have a high deductible, we can help. Please contact us to discuss package price discounts for services at WCH or call 330.263.8158.
Resource for self-help with PAP Therapy & Sleep Disorders
Location & Hours
The WCH Sleep Disorders Center is located on the fourth floor of the Central Building on the WCH main campus.
Hours of service are:
- Monday – Friday, 9 am – 4:30 pm
- Sleep Studies: Monday – Friday, 8 pm – 6 am
1761 Beall Avenue
Wooster, OH 44691
Parking Directions
- Enter using the main entrance.
- As you enter the hospital, straight down the hall and turn right, take the central elevators to the 4th floor and prepare to exit straight ahead.
- As you exit left off of the elevator, prepare to push the intercom button to alert Sleep Lab staff of your arrival - they will come out to greet you and escort you to the Sleep Disorders Center.
- For patients who need assistance with wheelchair or who have difficulty with ambulation, please call the Sleep Center before your arrival at 330.263.8400; choose option #1 to coordinate arrival assistance.
Day-shift sleep studies can be made available for those who are third-shift workers. At-home sleep studies are also available, in which a portable sleep-recording device is used in the comfort of your own home.
See the latest version of our self-pay package pricing booklet (sleep study prices are listed on page 13).
For more information about the Sleep Disorders Center at Wooster Community Hospital, call 330.263.8400.