People with type 1 diabetes may find it difficult to maintain a healthy blood sugar level throughout the day. Many patients with the condition are talking about a device that has changed their lives for the better: a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) device.
A CGM device is not just an interstitial glucose monitoring device. It has an added function that allows it to transmit data over a length of time to provide more insight into the patient’s glucose fluctuations. How is this accomplished? A CGM device is installed just under the skin, giving it access to check your glucose level every few minutes without you having to do anything. The information collected helps you analyze your blood sugar levels over time and gives you the ability to make dietary adjustments before your blood sugar reaches dangerous levels.
Here are some ways CGM devices are changing the lives of people with type 1 diabetes.
Regular monitoring of interstitial glucose levels using test strips can be very expensive. Strips use enzymes that have to maintain a level of hydration to be useful, therefore chemicals are added to keep them stable. However, this is often expensive to do. A single test strip can cost upwards of two dollars, which can become very expensive for people with type 1 diabetes who need to measure blood glucose levels four to ten times a day.
CGMs require no frequent pricking and use of test strips. Instead, a sensor implanted under the skin measures interstitial glucose levels every few minutes. You will only need to calibrate the CGM twice a day using a blood glucose meter. Overall, CGMs have been found to be a more cost-effective option for type 1 diabetes.
A CGM transmits real-time information on interstitial glucose levels, which eliminates the need to sit down, prick your finger, and utilize a test strip every time you want to check it. It gives people with type 1 diabetes greater freedom and control over their blood glucose levels. With up-to-date results whenever needed, you also have the ability to make adjustments to diet or physical activities that could cause interstitial glucose levels to rise or dip to dangerous levels. The device can be set to alert you when you are nearing the thresholds you’ve set for too high or too low blood glucose levels. CGM sensors and transmitters are also waterproof, which allows you to bathe and swim without issues.
The information taken by the device can be transmitted not just to the person with type 1 diabetes, but also to a caregiver’s device or physician’s office, which can be very useful in effective diabetes management.
Bloomington Endocrinology is part of the Wooster Community Hospital Health System and dedicated to helping patients with endocrine disorders manage their conditions and live a healthy and normal life. Our physicians regularly work with primary care providers of patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes to develop a management plan that works for you and helps maintain your best health.
For more information about our services, call Bloomington Endocrinology at (330) 263-8470 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment with our endocrinologist.