When people think of chiropractors, they immediately think of back pain. However, chiropractic treatment is not exclusively for the back. Chiropractic treatment can be administered for a range of musculoskeletal problems, such as joint pain, arm and leg pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, muscle spasms, headaches and migraines, and even stress. Chiropractors can care for patients with a wide variety of medical conditions, bringing them much-needed relief.
Let’s talk more about the conditions that can benefit from chiropractic care, aside from the most common musculoskeletal conditions.
Chiropractic care can help patients with scoliosis improve the side to side deformity of their spine and also help improve the posture of patients who have developed a stooped posture due to extended periods of sitting. Scoliosis and a bad posture can contribute to neck and back pain, and chiropractic treatment helps ease and prevent pain from getting worse.
Migraines and headaches can arise from tension or tightness in the neck muscles. It may also be due to subluxation or a vertebra that has shifted out of alignment, which puts pressure on the nerves, causing headaches. A combination of soft tissue therapy (to relax tight muscles) and joint adjustments (to realign joints) can help minimize the frequency of migraines and headaches.
The sciatic nerve, which passes deep in the buttock and down into the leg, ending in the sole of the foot, can become irritated or damaged from a herniated disc and cause pain. A combination of spinal adjustments, spinal decompression (to ease nerve deep tissue massage), and the use of modalities such as heat and cold therapy and ultrasound can help improve symptoms of sciatica.
High blood pressure is associated with poor health outcomes, and it may come as a surprise that chiropractic treatment can help lower blood pressure. In a study, subjects with high blood pressure who received a one-time specialized chiropractic adjustment taking place over eight weeks experienced a decrease of blood pressure equivalent to the effect of taking two blood pressure drugs at once.
Chiropractic treatments help relieve tension and promote relaxation. There is a body-mind connection where people with a high degree of tension and stiffness in the body have poor quality sleep, experience anxiety, and may become depressed. Muscle activity can be reduced up to 25 percent in just a single chiropractic treatment session. The relief that comes from chiropractic treatment positively impacts mental health, as treatment helps patients sleep better and wake up refreshed.
There is no doubt that patients who see a chiropractor regularly improve their health and wellness. The chiropractic treatments at Wooster Community Hospital are administered by our compassionate and highly experienced resident Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Katie Dossi.
Dr. Dossi treats patients with musculoskeletal pain, migraines and headaches, and much more. She even performs pediatric and prenatal adjustments in our outpatient wellness facility, Healthpoint. She strives to ensure that patients receive the best outcomes from her treatments, and experience positive changes in their mental health and general wellness. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Dossi, call our clinic today at (330) 202-2225 or use our convenient online form to submit a request.